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Showing posts from May, 2018

A cup of LOVE. Fresh Rose Petal tea ~ Magical scent of rose & the healing of ones senses

  A cup of LOVE. Fresh Rose Petal tea, made with organic rose petals from the garden ( keep if organic when bying and picking your own). Add a few rose petals to hot water, let them sit for 5-10 minutes. - and there you go, the best balancing remedy possible. Makes it easier to keep the  energies heiger / light as a feather energies. This particular Beauty is a very old very highly scented variety, she only flowers once. One big WOW and then maybe some little extra blessings, a flower here and there for the rest of the summer. She makes the most Powerful Rose Flower essence I have ever made / used & shared with others ROSE to me highlights TRUTH , HONOUR and INTEGRITY + what Unconditional LOVE really IS   It is that Magical time of year again when Roses bloom and the most precious scents fill the air. Real aromatherapy for the senses and a wonderful tea too. Old rose varieties have the blessing of real perfume in its natural most precious form. The gift of real scent is somethi