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Showing posts from September, 2018

Food as Medicine the very best kind ~ To make one chocolate or a whole tray

Food as Medicine the very best kind ~ To make one chocolate or a whole tray : ) - the ingredients for this delicious and joyous medicine is below. I just wanted to share first that having this chocolate / food as medicine prescription daily, in fact several times a day, has been one of the things that has helped andmost supporive of me and my extreme weight loss. At my biggest I was about 34 stone/ 216 KG / 476.2 pounds   I’ve lost about 15-16 stone / 100 KG / 220 pounds with no effort at all by now The weight is still dropping, while I enjoy every moment. Weight that I did everything to loose, but could not for decades due to not having dealt with the major stress in my life and the emotional traumas that caused it. Love & Respect Marianne Food is medicine, the very best kind. - the ingredients in this delicious and joyous medicine is : Chocolate Recipe:   I table spoon        or          300ml Organic coconut oil 1 table spoon      or           4 topped ~ organic raw cacao Vegan