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Showing posts from November, 2019

Appreciating the Value of anything depends on seeing what it actually costs you, or how much it gives you.

We all Value differently. Appreciate different things, people, places, FEELINGS, Health and wellbeing.  Appreciating the Value of anything depends on seeing what it actually costs you, or how much it gives you.  How much LIFE, how much time, you are willing to exchange for it ? for you ? for happiness ?  What is if real value to you, and how do you rate it ?  If I asked you to make a list of what you love  ~ how long would it take for you to add yourself to that list ? What in the end, truly has VALUE, MEANING and leaves NO room for regret, just PEACE in ones HEART, and EASE in LIFE's FLOW ? I ask because is that not what you want?  Peace, ease and joy in the adventures that is this life.  Don’t you want love ?  Every CHOICE Matters  Every single choice one ever makes every day, reflects ones inner belief systems and the inner core values of what one truly is ~ That inner core is based in love or fear.  Love builds and expands